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Accountability Report 2024



Creative Mom Crafts & Designs is a Texas small business created in April 2024. The primary mission is to provide non profit organizations services at a reduced rate to help organizations fundraise. CMC’s geographical target communities include but are not limited to Harris County, Galveston County, Brazoria County and the surrounding Chambers County.


  1. Campaigns - Online Store / Custom.

  2. Customize Items and or Events.

  3. Craft Shows - CMC has selected a Non-Profit Organization to raise funds.



A service has been sold and or rendered to the following Non-profit Organization. (Organization Name, Service Provided, Month & year)

  1. Clear Creek Boy Athletic Booster Club / Soccer Jerseys / 2024.

  2. The Independence Village / Custom T-Shirts Bingo Event / April 2024.

  3. The Bay Area Chorus / Event at Location / May 2024.

  4. Clear Creek High School Cheer Booster Club / Custom T-Shirts / 2024

  5. Clear Creek Intermediate Cheer Booster Club / Custom T-Shirts / 2024



A monetary contribution has been rendered to the following Non-profit Organization. (Organization Name & Value)

  1. The Bay Area Chorus / Event at Location / May 2024 - $35.

  2. League City Animal / YTD - $100.

  3. Bay Area Turning Point / YTD - $60.

  4. Providence Outreach Ministries / YTD - $20.

  5. Clear Creek Intermediate Boys Athletics / YTD $335.

  6. Clear Creek High School Cheer Booster / YTD $425.



Products and or Services have been rendered to the following Non-Profit Organizations. (Organization Name, Service Provided, Purpose,Value)

  1. Clear Creek Intermediate PTA / Balloon Arch / 8th Grade Dance / $100.

  2. Bay Area Houston Ballet & Theatre / Shadow Box / Resale / $30.

  3. The Independence Village / Tote Bag & 2 Tumblers / Silent Auction /$54.

  4. Clear Creek Intermediate Boys Athletic Booster Club  / Balloon Stands / Boys Awards / $75.



​CMC accounting principles adhere to non profit organizations and ensure a fair value is provided.  Fair value is the price that would be received to sell a product in an orderly transaction between participants.  The level of the fair value hierarchy is as follows, to provide quoted prices within an active market. 

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